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Seed Dressing

Profit 72%Ec

 Trade Name: Profit 72 %Ec
Application per Hectare: 1Lt, 500 ml, 700 ml, 500-700 ml
Target Pest: Boll worm, Thrips, Stem borer, Spodoptera spp, Aphids,
Host Corp: Cotton, Tobacco, Pulse, Onion, Grape, Maize, Chick pea, Vegetables,
Remark: Non systemic with contact and stomach action shows trans laminar effect

Perfecto 17.5%Ec

Trade Name: Perfecto 17.5 % SC
Application per Hectare: 400 ml, 150-400 ml
Target Pest: Bollworms, Aphids, Leaf worms, strainers ,Psyllids & other sucking pests, Stalk borer, Aphids, Lepidopterus and sucking pests
Host Corp: Cotton, Maize, Field crops & Vegetables
Remark: Contact and systemic broad-spectrum with stomach action

Lifothoate 40 % EC

Trade Name: Lifothosate 40% EC
Application per Hectare: 750ml, 500 ml, 80 ml/100 Lt water, 800 ml, 90 ml, 500 ml, 300 – 375ml, 500 ml
Target Pest: Wingless grasshopper,Maize Leaf hopper, Trips Aphids, Lacern flea, Red legged earth mite Aphids, Thrips, Leaf hopper, Mites, bugs bean fly, Redlegged earth  might, Redlegged earth mite, Aphids, spider mites, Trips, Aphids
Host Corp: Cereals,Maize, Sorghume,Tobacco, Field peas and beans, Lentiles, Cotton, Cotton, Sesame
Remark: Non systemic with contact and stomach action shows translaminar effect

Helarat 5% EC / High way 5% EC

Common Name: Helarat 5% EC / High way 5 % EC.
Application per Hectare: 400ml , 300ml, 250ml
Target Pest: Boll worm ,Beetles, Stalk borer, Shoot borer, Black beetle, Leaf eaters, Aphid, White fly
Host Corp: Cotton ,Chick pea, Haricot bean, Maize, Sugar cane, Vegetable, Pulse, Tobacco
Remark: Broad spectrum insecticide against Lepedopterous and sucking pest of field Crops

Deltarin 25 EC

Common Name: Deltrain 25 EC
Application per Hectare: 250 ml
Target Pest: Ball worm, pod borer, stalk borer, tuber moth, aphids, army worm. 
Host Corp: Cotton, Wheat, Barely, Maize, Sorghum, Peas, Potato and Chick pea. 
Remark: Contact insecticide.

Lipron 5% SC

Common Name:Lipron 5% SC 
Application per Hectare: 500 – 600 ML
Target Pest: African Bollworm, leaf eaters, beetles, sucking insects. 
Host Corp: Cotton, Pulse  crops. 

Bestfield 360 SC

Common Name: Bestfield 360 SC
Application per Hectare: 300 ml
Target Pest: Tuta absoluta, Thrips.
Host Corp: Tomato and Onion. 
Remark: Limited systemic, Contact insecticide.

Con-fidence 35% SC 

Common Name: Con-fidence 35% SC 
Application per Hectare: 171-480 ml
Target Pest: Aphid, Onion thrips, Flea beetles, Rice hopper, white fly and leaf hopper
Host Corp: Cotton, Wheat, Barely, Maize, Sorghum, Rice, Pulse and Oil crops and Sweet Potato. 
Remark: Systemic insecticide to control sucking pests.

Spark 250 WG

Common Name: Spark 250 WG
Application per Hectare: 
Target Pest: Mango white scale.
Host Corp: Mango.

Simless 720 EC

Common Name: Simless 720 EC
Application per Hectare: 0.7 L
Target Pest: Thrips.
Host Corp: Onion.

Curador 55 EC

Common Name: Curador 55 EC
Application per Hectare: 375 ML
Target Pest: Thrips.
Host Corp: Onion.

Pretact 10% EC  

Common Name: Pretact 10% EC
Application per Hectare: 150 ml – 2 L
Target Pest: Aphid, Thrips, Flea beetles, leaf hopper, leaf miner, Stalk borer and mealy bugs.
Host Corp: Cotton, Wheat,  Maize, Sorghum, Potato, Apple, Citrus, Cabbage, Tea, Tomato, Onion and  Ornamentals.
Remark: Systemic insecticide application rate vary depending on crop type, pest spp. infestation level.

Emabendox 90 SC

Common Name: Emamectin benzoate 1.5% + Indoxacarb 7.5%
Application per Hectare:  0.25L
Target Pest: African bollworm, Tuta absoluta
Host Corp: Chick pea, Tomato
Remark: Systemic insecticide

Curador 55 EC

Common Name: Profenofos 50% + Lufenuron 5% EC
Application per Hectare: 375mL 0.65L
Target Pest: Thrips, African bollworm
Host Corp: Onion, Cotton
Remark: Contact and systemic insecticide 

Seamless 720 EC

Common Name: Profenofos 72%
Application per Hectare: 0.7L
Target Pest: Thrips, aphids and other sucking insects
Host Corp: Onion, pulse crops and other crops
Remark: Non systemic with contact and stomach action shows translaminar effect

Methozide 240 SC

Common Name: Methoxyfenozide 24% SC
Application per Hectare: 0.6L
Target Pest: Fall Armyworm, Fruit codling moth
Host Corp: Maize, citrus, 
Remark: Systemic insecticide

Highpyro 220 EW

Common Name:Lambda Cyhalothrin 2% + Chlorpyrifos 20% EW
Application per Hectare: 0.8L
Target Pest: Fall Armyworm, Stalk borer, African bollworm
Host Corp: Maize, chickpea, Cotton
Remark: Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action It has rapid knockdown and residual control action.

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