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Lions international trading is an import and distribution company specializing in Agricultural Chemicals among other trading activities. . .

NONO Agricultural Development Plc is a company that specializes in the production of high yield hybrid seeds. As such the company . . .

LAMES covers a wide area in its Agricultural mechanization and engineering service. It provides mechanized. . .​

Adulita is a new company under the Lions Group umbrella and is currently under final negotiations with the internationally renowned international hotel chain: Radisson Blu, to construct a state of the art conference destination and . . .

HGS Offices is a basement plus six, high end real estate building equipped with the latest technologies and facilities located in Bole, Addis Ababa. The building leases office space to different companies and the building is currently fully occupied.. . .

Yinabet is a subsidiary of the Lions Group of Companies dedicated to producing Citrus, Mango, Coffee, Alfalfa, dairy and goat production. The farm is located in SNNPRS, Guraghe zone, Abegshe Woreda. Yinabet is well equipped with latest agricultural . . .

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