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Seed Dressing

Natura 25% Ew

Trade Name: Natura 25 % Ew
Application per Hectare: 500-750ml
Target Pest: Yellow rust, Leaf blotch, Scald, Net blotch, Leaf rust, Stem rust, powdery mildew, Leaf spot, Black sigatoka, smut
Host Corp: Wheat, Barley, Vegetables, Grapes, Legumes, Banana
Remark: Systemic, Protective and Curative action

Diprocon 30% EC

Trade Name: Diprocon 30% EC
Application per Hectare: 0.5 L
Target Pest: Wheat rust (Yellow, stem, leaf rust), net blotch, scald, septoria (nodorum, tritici)
Host Corp: Potato, Barley,Wheat, Pulses.
Remark: systemic fungicide with protective and curative action.

Noble 25% wp

Trade Name: Noble 25 % wp
Application per Hectare: 250-800 gm
Target Pest: Powdery mildew, Scald, Strip rust, Leaf blotch, rust , etc
Host Corp: Peas, Grape vine, Sugar, Tomato, Barley , Wheat, Mango, Vegetable, Tobacco
Remark: Systemic, Protective and Curative action

Fungozeb 80% WP

Trade Name: Fungozeb 80 % WP
Application per Hectare: 2 -3 kg Traget Pest: Early blight, Late blight, Downy mildew, Black rot, anthracnose
Host Corp: Potato, tomato, Tobacco, onion, Grapes,
Remark: Protective fungicide effective against Various fungal diseases

Topzol 25% Ec

Trade Name: Topzol 25 % EC
Application per Hectare: 400-600 ml
Target Pest: Brown rust, leaf spot(scald),leaf rust, Net blotch, Leaf stripe on barely, Stem rust, Powdery mildew Coffee leaf rust, Powdery mildew,Frogeay leaf spot
Host Corp: Wheat, barley,Vegetable, Coffee, Peanut, Tobacco, Grapes
Remark: Systemic, protective and curative action

Ecostar 250 SC

Trade Name: Ecostar 250 SC
Application per Hectare: 500-900 ml
Target Pest: Leaf rust, stem rust, netblocth, scald, barely st
Host Corp: Potato, Tomato, Beans, Grapes, Cucumber
Remark: Contact and systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action.

Trust cymocop 43.9% WP

Trade Name: Trust cymocop 43.9% WP
Application per Hectare: 1.5-3kg
Target Pest: Late blight, early blight, Bacterial blight, Downy mildew, septoria, rust, brown spot, leaf spot. 
Host Corp: Potato, Tomato, Beans, Grapes, Cucumber
Remark: Contact and systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action.

Defender 280 SC

Trade Name: Defender 280 SC
Application per Hectare: 0.6 L
Target Pest: Wheat rust, powdery mildew, net blotch, scald, septoria.
Host Corp: Potato, Tomato, Banana, Citrus, oil crops Barley,Wheat, Pulses.
Remark: Contact and systemic fungicide with protective and curative.

Horizon 680 WG/WP

Trade Name: Horizon 680 WG/WP
Application per Hectare: 
Target Pest: Early and late blight diseases.
Host Corp: Potato, Tomato, 

Superzeb 750 DF

Trade Name: Superzeb 750 DF
Application per Hectare: 2.5 kg
Target Pest: Early and late blight diseases.
Host Corp: Potato, Tomato, 

Topmil 72 WP

Trade Name: Topmile 72 WP
Application per Hectare: 
Target Pest: Early and late blight diseases.
Host Corp: Potato, Tomato, 

Paragon 460 EC

Trade Name: Paragon 460 EC
Application per Hectare: 0.6 l
Target Pest: Stem rust, yellow rust, leaf rust. 
Host Corp: Wheat.

Natura Dual 750 WG

Trade Name: Natura Dual 750 WG
Application per Hectare: 250 gm 
Target Pest: Stem rust, yellow rust, leaf rust. 
Host Corp: Wheat.

Pyrazole 380 SC

Trade Name: (Pyraclostrobin 23.7% + Epoxiconazole 14.3% SC)
Application per Hectare:  0.3L
Target Pest: Yellow rust, Stem rust,Leaf rust
Host Corp: Wheat, barley
Remark: Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action

Hitosa 500 WDG

Trade Name: Pyraclostrobin 50% WDG
Application per Hectare:  225g
Target Pest: Yellow rust, Stem rust,Leaf rust
Host Corp: Wheat, barley
Remark: Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action

Trust cymocop 43.95% WG

Trade Name: Cymoxanil 42 + Copper –oxychloride 397.5 WG
Application per Hectare:  0.5kg
Target Pest: Late blight, Early blight, powdery mildew, downy mildew, bacterial wilt,  leaf spot, rust, brown spot
Host Corp: Potato, Potato, onions, ginger, grapes
Remark: Contact and systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action

Horizon 680 WP

Trade Name: Metalaxyl-M 4% + Mancozeb 64% Application per Hectare:  2.5kg
Target Pest: Late blight, early blight,rust, powdery mildew, downy mildew 
Host Corp: Potato, tomato, onion, grapes 
Remark: Contact and systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action

Dicozeb 690WP

Trade Name: Dimethomorph + Mancozeb
Application per Hectare:  2.25kg
Target Pest: Late blight, early blight,rust, powdery mildew, downy mildew
Host Corp:  Potato, tomato, onion, grapes
Remark: Contact and systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action

Metazoxy 300 SC

Trade Name: Metalaxyl-M 10% + Azoxystrobin 20% 
Application per Hectare:  0.6L
Target Pest: Late blight, early blight,rust, powdery mildew, downy mildew
Host Corp:  Potato, tomato, onion, grapes
Remark: Systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action

Pyramet 600 WG

Trade Name:  Pyraclostrobin 5% + Metiram 55% WG
Application per Hectare:  1.25kg
Target Pest: Late blight, early blight, rust, powdery mildew, downy mildew
Host Corp: Potato, tomato, onion, grapes and other vegetables and fruit crops
Remark: Systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action

Azonil 480 SC

Trade Name:  Chlorothalonil 400g/l + Azoxystrobin 80g/l
Application per Hectare:  0.5L
Target Pest: Late blight, early blight, rust, powdery mildew, downy mildew
Host Corp: Potato, tomato, onion, grapes, coffee
Remark: Contact and systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action

Topmil 72 WP

Trade Name:  Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% 
Application per Hectare:  3kg
Target Pest:  Late blight
Host Corp:  Potato
Remark: Contact and systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action

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